Bundles (Revenue recognition)

Bundles (Revenue recognition)


Update 2023: The bundles in the sales order are gone, I have not been able to use them for a few months, because the Revenue recognition module may not be activated anymore: Removed or deprecated features in Dynamics 365 Finance – Finance | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn

The Revenue recognition module acquired by Microsoft from Armanino LLC comes with some real-world goodies which do not necessarily have to do with the IFRS regulations but address evergreen Trade & Logistics topics. One of them is a bundling /de-bundling of products.

The problem is well introduced in an older popular blog of mine. In short, the customer is sold a bundle (e.g. the proverbial cat in the sack) with a total price. The customer doesn’t need to know exactly what a single cat costed versus a single sack. Internally the revenues still need to be allocated among the products.
The solution (3) described in the blog is exactly what was implemented in Dynamics 365 in August 2019: an automatic BOM explosion for kits/bundles. The exploded components in the sales order are posted individually into the General Ledger – all with their unique GL accounts and accounting rules – while the sales invoice obscures the details and only presents the bundle and the total price to the customer.

You have to enable the Revenue recognition module first, which is available but hidden in all versions since Dynamics 10.0.5. Check out this source to learn how to do it.

Step by step

Once the module is activated, a new checkbox Bundle appears prominently on the General tab on in the Released product form:
Bundle item
A bundle item must be stock-able, it must be marked with the Bundle = Yes, and it must possess an active and approved bill of material (BOM) with the components inside. The bundle components may be either tangible products or services items, yet those must be stock-able too:
Bundle BOM

The bundle item is then added to the sales order normally:
Bundle before confirmation

The BOM of the bundle is automatically exploded whenever a sales confirmation is posted (to be honest, this is not ideal as we encourage our users to preview sales confirmations first).
The stock parameters, VAT settings etc. are taken from the individual components’ item master. This can be both right and wrong: in the case of a hypothetical ‘chicken in the sack’ the VAT rate for the chicken may indeed differ from the sack. However, in the case of a supplementary service (e.g. transportation) the service shares the fate (i.e. the tax rate) of the master product being shipped, according to the European legislation.

The total bundle price (note the Bundle net amount column far to the right) is allocated to the components in the ratio of their quantities in the BOM and the standard sales prices (not ideal, as the price of a component may vary). The divisor is the total of all components’ (sales prices * quantity) found in the BOM.
In the below example, the promotional sales price of 950 USD for a “Surface Pro tablet with an extra guarantee” is split at the ratio of 899*1/99,89*1 = 9:1 between the tangible Surface SKU and a service item:
Bundle after confirmation
Obviously, the bundle components are picked individually by the Warehouse management, which stands out in comparison to a Retail kit i.e. a “kit from the stock” scenario.

Bundle confirmationThe sales confirmation and the sales invoice printouts only show a summary line with the master bundle item and its description:
Bundle invoice
In contrast, the Delivery note (aka Packing slip) contains all the lines (to remove intangible service lines from the delivery note one may use the classic Quantity = Picked only mode):

This makes sense, as the Delivery note (repurposed to a Commercial invoice) may need to be presented to the customs authorities on export/import operations.

Bundle Delivery noteThat said, the bundles are well supported in the sales business documents, but not necessarily in the T&M or PSA project invoices.


A bundle/kit explosion T&L functionality implemented by partners myriad times through a customization is now available at the D365 Finance / SCM application core, which is great news. Yet the Revenue recognition module has more to offer: how about an accrual of the revenue from the above guarantee service? Check out the upcoming blog.

Make yourself an Admin in Dynamics 365 Fin/SCM

Make yourself an Admin in Dynamics 365 Fin/SCM

How many times have you been given a VM for D365FO development, but no interactive user in the local Web application? You can program X++ code, you can build, but you cannot test. The AdminUserProvisioning tool on the desktop requires local Administrator rights, which is a separate account on new cloud VMs. Fortunately, with an access to the SQL server you can make yourself an Admin.
In essence, the trick is the same as in the past: update the USERINFO table.

  1. Secure an access to the AxDB database in the Microsoft SQL Management Studio. Recent VMs may require a separate admin account, e.g.
    RUNAS /user:Administrator@builtin "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Ssms.exe"
  2. Connect to the AxDB database and locate the USERINFO table, then Edit top 200 rows, find and start editing the Admin record. You may also use the SQL pane to pass the below command:
    There will be most likely 4 Admin records, the last 3 non-interactive logons are created by the D365 Object server automatically and may have the SID = S-1-5-20 (NT AUTHORITY). We only need to edit the 1st – interactive – account:
    SQL UserInfo table
  3. As in the past (Dynamics AX 2012), the SID is the most important. The easiest way to deduct this ID and other information is to copy and paste it from another cloud environment you have an access to, for example via the table browser: https://xxx.yyy.operations.dynamics.com/?mi=SysTableBrowser&tableName=UserInfo
    UserInfo in the Table browser
  4. Update the following fields in the target record:
    The long SID is a unique identifier of your user in the Azure Active Directory (see also “Immutable ID”). It it sufficient to only replace it in the 1st [interactive] logon out of 4.
    This one looks most probably https://sts.windows.net/ but may also be like https://sts.windows.net/erconsult.eu or even https://erconsult.eu/ and refers to the Azure tenant. Apparently, the syntax depends on who owns the tenant and whether your AAD is trusted by the AAD of your client.
    This is your [e-mail] account in the Office 365 tenant.
    Set to “1”.
    This can be the same https://sts.windows.net/ or a https://sts.windows.net/ab123456-123a-456b-789c-abcde1234567/ address, where the GUID at the end is the tenant id of your Office 365 subscription (see https://www.whatismytenantid.com/). From experience, you may keep it blank.
    This seems to be a GUID of your user in the Active Directory. Keep it blank, the system populates it on the first logon automatically.
    Whatever that is, you can keep the 2 columns empty. Upon the first logon the system is going to set EXTERNALUSER = 1, and EXTERNALID = some alphanumeric value.
  5. Update the USERINFO record and try to connect to the D365 Web application. Experiment with the SID and the NETWORKDOMAIN if it doesn’t work.

Input validation and messaging in the Process Guide Framework

Input validation and messaging in the Process Guide Framework

A few words of introduction: Process Guide framework is THE framework for new Warehouse management mobile screens and menu items in “Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management”:

I find that the topic of the validation of data entered or scanned by the user is very superficially covered. When you read the above shallow documentation you may think the ProcessGuideStep.isComplete() method is a good place to give an error, but it is NOT. It would be too late: by the time the execution reaches isComplete() the user input has already been processed, accepted and serialized in the session state aka “pass” WHSRFPassthrough.

I figured out that the true validation may be programmed at 2 places: in the process() method of a class derived from the WHSControl or in the ProcessGuideStep.validateControls() method. The 2 ways require slightly different techniques and have distinct flavours:


Inheriting the WHSControl class offers an object-oriented alternative to extending the WHSRFControlData class (this spaghetti code has been recently refactored and moved to WHSRFControlData.processLegacyControl). This technique is briefly described in the blog …/mfp/posts/extending-whs-adding-a-new-control-type .
There are pros and cons. The class is going to be used across the whole warehouse mobile app whenever you add a control with this name. This can be both good and bad:

  • The major disadvantage is that the WHSControl.process() is not triggered if the user has not entered anything into the field on the mobile device. E.g. one cannot check for an empty value, and this may lead to the “xxx is not found in the map” error message if one does not check existence of a parameter before fetching it from the “pass” WHSRFPassthrough.
  • The same validation logic is used everywhere. The code re-use is innate. This can be however too rough; for example, the below code snippet was written because the standard logic of the ProdID control was too broad: it was populating the item number and validating if it had a BOM.
  • The control is not fully aware of the context. It cannot reach the current Process Guide step object and call the Process Guide controller object back.
  • It is not fully aware of the surrounding controls either: the controls placed on the page after the current one have left no trace yet.
  • The control class can leverage the WHSRControlData instance with all its perks and shortcuts.

In WHSControl.process() you take the user entry from the parmData() and return a false result with the this.fail() method:
#WHSRF [WhsControlFactory(#ProdIdLabel)]
public class WHSControlProdId extends WhsControl
public boolean process()
boolean ok = super();
ProdId prodId = this.parmData();
fieldValues.insert(ProcessGuideDataTypeNames::ProdId, prodId);
if (! ProdTable::exist(prodId))
ok = this.fail("@WAX1162"); // The production or batch order number is not valid
return ok;

Note that you have to care about parsing the entry and storing it in the fieldValues container. On an error, the processing stops, the page reloads and the error message(s) is shown:
WHS warning


The validation in the ProcessGuideStep class has a different quality:

  • One can check for empty (mandatory) data.
  • The logic can only be re-used in a menu item made in the Process Guide framework. Such menu items are too few. You re-use the logic by adding the whole step = screen to the process flow.
  • The step has a full access to the process controller and to the preceding step results.
  • All controls are validated at once and can be checked for mutual consistency.
  • The WHSRControlData instance with all its useful methods has already been disposed of by the time execution reaches the validateControls() method. You have to write most of the business logic from scratch.

The validateControls() method is executed before the fieldValues container is merged with the “pass” container (WHSRFPassthrough) and becomes available to the mobile application. This is why you take the user entry safely from the processingResult.fieldValues structure. If you encounter an error, you throw a warning:
class ProcessGuideItemConsumpPromptQtyStep extends ProcessGuideStep
protected void validateControls()
WhsrfPassthrough pass = controller.parmSessionState().parmPass();
qty = processingResult.fieldValues.lookup(ProcessGuideDataTypeNames::Qty);
if (qty * pass.parmQty() < 0)
throw warning("@SYS25506"); // Quantity may not change sign
protected ProcessGuidePageBuilderName pageBuilderName()
return classStr(ProcessGuideItemConsumpPromptQtyPageBuilder);

The warning thrown interrupts the flow, re-loads the page and presents the warning.

Success message

A related topic is an ability to present a success message to the user at the end of the process execution. You do it at the end of the doExecute() method in the process guide step:
protected void doExecute()
// do the work

This implementation is very limited, however: it cannot uptake a custom message and always shows the same text “Work Completed”.

The below snippet is smarter:
ProcessGuideMessageData messageData = ProcessGuideMessageData::construct();
messageData.message = strFmt("@SYS24802", journalId); // Journal cannot be posted because it contains errors.
messageData.level = WHSRFColorText::Warning;
navigationParametersFrom = navigationParametersFrom ? navigationParametersFrom : ProcessGuideNavigationParameters::construct();
navigationParametersFrom.messageData = messageData;

Unrelated conclusion: use the process guide framework and say goodbye to the WHSWorkExecute mess! 🙂